Mature organisations need mature people.

Mature organisations need mature people.

Mature organisations needs mature people How to make agile, teal, holacracy or any other new framework really happen? For such a mature organisation, mature people are needed. People who are able to lead themselves, who are able to fulfil their role without having a...


Herausforderungen oder auch Chancen wie manche gerne sagen, sind dazu da um uns in unserer Persönlichkeit wachsen zu lassen. Jeder kennt das Gefühl, wenn wir eine solche Herausforderung „gemeistert“ haben, wie gut wir uns dann fühlen. Dann laufen wir gerne mit...
Serenity & Calmeness NOW!

Serenity & Calmeness NOW!

Serenity & Calmenss NOW! We are experiences exceptional times. The more important it is to stay calm and to increase your serenity.  „Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.“James Allen, As a man thinketh How to get more...


Agility – a vogue expression or new thinking logic?  Following is a definition for “agility” by Britta Redmann, which I find both apt and clear: “In my understand, agility is the ability of an enterprise or an organisation to perceive changes in the surrounding...
side effects of Being agile

side effects of Being agile

Side effects of Being agile Everything has side effects. Some are very welcomed some are not.
 By increasing your agile mindest, a lot of welcomed side effects can be expected. People who develop and work consistency on their agile mindset are on a journey to become a...